摘要:There were appeal legal effort,cassation and judicial review on Administrative Court. After the Supreme Court Act article 45A paragraph (2) letter c was applied,it was determined that not all administrative settlement dispute can be filled to cassation legal effort. The setting restriction poses legal problems to justice seekers. This article aims to study the solution of cassation rights setting restrictions so that it can be mutual for administrative justice seekers. Based on the analysis that has been done it can be concluded that the regulation on Supreme Court Act article 45A paragraph (2) letter c Act number 5 2014 was not clear in procedures and substantive. Thus the setting restriction in cassation legal effort has to consider the aspect of quality and cases type.
其他摘要:Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara mengenal adanya upaya hukum banding,kasasi maupun peninjauan kembali. Khusus mengenai upaya hukum kasasi,semenjak diberlakukannya Pasal 45A ayat (2) huruf c UU Mahkamah Agung,ditentukan bahwa tidak semua sengketa Tata Usaha Neg
关键词:The restriction of cassation right;Administrative Justice System;justice seeker
其他关键词:pembatasan hak kasasi;Sistem Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara;pencari keadilan