摘要:Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the capacity of the population number in the world. As the country with the largest population,various problems often plague the nation of Indonesia. One such problem is the problem of law enforcement and narcotics and drugs cases. Up to now Indonesia is confronted with drug traf icking that is very alarming. Drug crimes are so uncontrolled in social life. It is undeniable that narcotics have been threatening the future of the nation. There have been already many victims even until some of them dies. Drug abuse has reached very dangerous phase. There is no other way,government and of icials must immediately take a serious and earnest step. It is a pity that the nation's children must always be the victims of drug distribution by the syndicate. Laws must be enforced as fairly as possible. Because the law is the supreme commander that must not be defeated by anything.
其他摘要:Indonesia adalah negara terbesar ke empat dalam kapasitas jumlah penduduknya di dunia. Sebagai negara dengan penduduk terbesar berbagai macam persoalan sering menghinggapi bangsa Indonesia. Salah satu masalah tersebut adalah masalah penegakan hukum kasus