摘要:Gifted and talented students are very crucial for the future of the country. They will also lead and affect to the country in many ways. In the literature,there are a wide variety of definition and theory related to the intelligence. In addition,the number of these findings are increasing with each passing day. These innovations affect the studies related to the gifted and talented students. Gifted and talented people have advance level of cognitive skills,thus they have a different mental construct compare to their peers who have a normal level of intelligence. To investigate gifted and talented students contributes their education lives and also provides an opportunity to improve students’ language skills who have a normal level of intelligence. The primary purpose of this study is to review the academic studies related to the features of gifted and talented students. In the direction of the examinations,it can be stated that to investigate and evaluate language skills of the gifted and talented students is a disregarded field in the Turkish literature..
其他摘要:Üstün zekâlı ve yetenekliler bir ülkenin geleceği için çok büyük öneme sahiptirler. Ülkelerin birçok yönden geleceğine yön verecek olanların bu öğrencilerin içinden çıkması oldukça olasıdır. Zekâ ile ilgili alanyazında bulunan ve her geçen gün yeni araştı