摘要:In the last 15 years,Ministry of National Education has made changes in education that can be accepted as reforms. One of the reasons for these changes is that the philosophy of science is based on the quantum paradigm,instead of the Newton paradigm with teacher-centered understanding in education. The quantum paradigm is aimed at raising individuals who have a questioning mind with a multidimensional understanding. Therefore,when the new science curricula considered,applying a teacher's activities according to Quantum Learning Model (QLM) will contribute to the questioning and persistence of the information that the students get. When the literature examined;it has been seen that QLM is not used at desired level in the teaching of science subjects that present sections from life. However,the greatest learning difficulty in this area is the science subjects and concepts that are incompatible with students' perceptions and perceptions of their daily lives. The aim of this study is to introduce the effect of an activity about the light propagation subject at 5th grade based on QLM and to present it to the practitioners and take the views of the teachers. Within the context of the case study method,the literature on quantum learning has been examined through literature review. Then,an activity was developed based on the quantum learning cycle in the determination of the subject. Finally,this activity was shared with three teachers and semi-structured interviews were held on them. From the interview data,it has been concluded that teaching with QLM will have a positive effect on the interest and success of the students. This study is a guide and it is believed that it will be a guide for teachers and researchers dealing with developing related activities.
其他摘要:Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı son 15 yılda eğitimde reform kabul edilebilecek değişimler gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu değişimlerin temelindeki gerekçelerden birisi,bilim felsefesi olarak eğitimde öğretmen merkezli anlayışa sahip Newton paradigma yerine Kuantum paradig