摘要:Adolescence is a period of development that is critical to social and emotional development. Successful emotion regulation in this period will bring success in social relations. The sense of anger that has the potential to cause problems individually,interpersonally and socially is seen as a frequently observed feeling during adolescence. Therefore,it was aimed to investigate the relationship between anger levels and emotion regulation methods of this age group. For this purpose,two scales,the Adolescence Anger Rating Scale (AARS) and the Emotion Regulation Scale for Adolescents were administered to 57 university freshman students. The results of the research indicated that adolescents' anger levels were low. It was observed that university education,which is an intellectual activity,has a reducing effect on the level of anger. When the results of the emotion regulation scale are examined,applying internal functional emotion regulation is the most common emotion regulation method of students. Internal functional emotion regulation is a method of high cognitive activities and is considered as a positive method. It has been observed that preferential functional mood adjustment methods have a positive effect on the current social relations of adolescents. There was no significant difference between the scale scores in terms of gender.
其他摘要:Ergenlik,sosyal ve duygusal gelişim açısından kritik öneme sahip bir gelişim dönemidir. Bu dönemde duyguların başarılı bir şekilde yönetilmesi sosyal ilişkilerdeki başarıyı beraberinde getirecektir. Bireysel,sosyal ve toplumsal açıdan sorun yaratma potans