期刊名称:Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
出版社:Lodz University Press
摘要:The development of the information technology was not solely focused on innovating the economic area;the changes it caused in the social and educational spheres were equally important. nowadays,as the development of it is still in progress,these tendencies are deepening as well. However,schooling is usually hopeless when confronted with the latest technology,which results in the growing distance between the educational institution and the environment in which it functions. A remedy for this problem are to be the actions presented in the government’s projects whose aim is to prepare schooling for the process of digitalisation. the main goal is to integrate the information technologies with schooling curriculums. it is also important to train the teachers so that they know how to transfer the knowledge to their students of different ages. the aim is not to restrict or prevent the students from using computers and being exposed to the informational and communicational technologies as an educational tool,but to make them more functional..
其他摘要:Rozwój technologii informacyjnych nie ograniczał się jedynie do wprowadzenia innowacji w sferze gospodarczej;równie istotne były spowodowane nim zmiany zachodzące w życiu społecznym i edukacji. Współcześnie,wraz z postępującym rozwojem technologii cyfrowy