摘要:Each region has its own culture and traditions in terms of marriage and the things associated with it. This paper aims to describe the tradition of providing shelter for married women in Madurese society. The review of Islamic law will be used as a fiqh-framework in view of the tradition.Using qualitative method and phenomenological approach,this study found that the provision of residence adopted by the Madurese community is matrilocal-uxorilocal. This is caused by several factors among them are: firstly,because of her parents’ concerns in theirlaterold age.Secondly,to maintain self-esteem. Thirdly,Madurese parents still think that even though her daughter is married,she is still under the responsibility of her father to always protect her,educate and guide her. Fourthly,the work of her husband before marriage is around the house of his wife.Fifthly,the existence of a Madurese philosophy of life that reads kore’ noro’ pa’lopa’. In the perspective of Islamic law,the provision of shelter for a wife becomes the obligation of her husband. Nevertheless,according to Shafi'i madhhab,the problem of residence must be adjusted with the habit of his wife..
其他摘要:Setiap daerah memiliki budaya dan tradisi tersendiri terkait dengan pernikahan. Naskah ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tradisi penyediaan tempat tinggal bagi perempuan yang sudah menikah pada masyarakat Madura.Tinjauan hukum Islam akan digunakan sebag
关键词:traditions;providing shelter;woman (wife).
其他关键词:tradisi;penyediaan tempat tinggal;perempuan.