摘要:Cirebon Batik Pegajahan is the result of the creative process,feeling,intention,also long thought of people who have expertise in interpreting the condition of people's behavior of Cirebon (palace),which was then adapted into a form of art and culture of batik fabric through a process of creativity of the craftsmen. This Batik Pegajahan grows and develops within the community of (palace) Cirebon,including: Kasepuhan Palace,Kanoman,Kacirebonan,and Keprabonan. This study will explain the symbolic narrative contained in Pegajahan Cirebon batik decoration. The discussion is based on the systematic symbolic visual elements of the Pegajahan batik decoration which is based on the teachings of the Tarekat Syattariyah attitudes and behavior of (palace) Cirebon society,form of local wisdom that is reflected in the symbolic-aesthetic elements. The research used descriptive-analytic method and ethnography,in describing the symbolic narrative found in Batik Pegajahan Cirebon. The results are in the form of visual data complete with symbolic narratives in Batik Pegajahan Cirebon,which represents behavior of (palace) Cirebon people significantly;so it can be used as reference for further research in the reconstruction,reproducing,and formulating such ornaments as the basis for designing or guidance for the people of batik (palace) Cirebon in particular.
其他摘要:Batik Pegajahan Cirebon merupakan hasil dari proses olah cipta,rasa,karsa,juga pemikiran yang panjang dari orang-orang yang memiliki keahlian dalam menginterpretasi suatu kondisi perilaku masyarakat (Keraton) Cirebon,yang kemudian mengadaptasikan kedalam
关键词:Symbolic Narratives;Decoration of Batik Pegajahan and Tarekat Syattariyah
其他关键词:Narasi Simbolik;Ragam Hias Batik Pegajahan danTarekat Syattariyah