摘要:Rita Felski,professor of English and comparative literature at the University of Virginia,addresses the functions of literature in an authentic classificiation in “Uses of Literature” and examines these functions under four main headings: “recognition,enchantment,knowledge,and shock.” In the current study,it is aimed to analyze and interpret the main functions of children’s literature based on the classification made by Felski. What kind of a responsibility children’s literature has taken so far/should take in the realization of recognition,enchantment,knowledge and shock as the functions of literature is discussed in the light of various opinions and considerations..
其他摘要:Virginia Üniversitesi İngiliz Edebiyatı ve Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat profesörü Rita Felski,“Edebiyat Ne İşe Yarar? (Uses of Literature)” adlı yapıtında edebiyatın işlevlerini özgün bir sınıflamayla ele almış ve bu işlevleri “tanıma,büyüleme,bilgilendirme,ş
关键词:children’s literature;the functions of children’s literature;Rita Felski;recognition;enchantment;knowledge;shock.