摘要:The July 15 coup attempt has a strategic preliminary indication of which factors are more effective in shaping the political and bureaucratic structure in Turkey. In particular,the organization /organizations that have entered into the army and have camouflaged themselves in a very good way shows the importance of the case via the delegated legislation enforced in scope of emergency state both during attempt of coup and after coup. There may be many reasons of mentioned event. But we had better look into the case by rationalism and bounded-rationality extent in terms of administration science. It has governmental decision making process, moral extent and rational foundations. However,Herbert A. Simon in Perspective of Bounded Rationality puts forward that manager cannot make realistic and logical decisions due to many restrictions. The aim of this study is to analysis the employment process into public foundations particularly into army foundations in Turkey and career state in terms of rationalism. So,at first we will focus on bounded rationality model of Simon. And then,we will try to determine how these gangs leaked especially into army structures,which methods and references they used while climbing up the career steps and by analysing the quality and quantity of the staff fired out from these foundations by delegated legislations,the obtained info will be evaluated in terms of bounded rationality perspective. In this period,the size of the personnel who were interrupted by the Turkish Armed Forces is that;44.97% of general-admirals,13.75% of officers,3.26% of non-commissioned officers,6.40% of TSK personnel. There is no doubt that in the process of making more rational decisions, limited rationality is the main phenomenon,but it is also seen that the probable examinations,references and similar evidences that this terrorist organization involved as its causes are also influential..
其他摘要:15 Temmuz Darbe girişimi,Türkiye’de siyasi ve bürokratik yapının şekillenmesinde hangi faktörlerin daha etkin olduğunu göstermede stratejik bir öneme haizdir. Özellikle silahlı kuvvetler bünyesine girmiş ve çok iyi bir şekilde kendini kamufle etmeyi başar
关键词:Limited Rationality;July 15 Strike;Dismissals Decisions;2016 Decrees on the Rule of Law.
其他关键词:Sınırlı Rasyonellik;15 Temmuz Darbesi;İhraç Kararları;2016 Kanun Hükmünde Kararnameleri.