摘要:The experiments were conducted to compare water usage of several irrigation treatment on rice growth performance and productivity. The rice variety was Situbagendit . Fertilizer dosage are Urea 250 kg/ha, SP-36 100 kg/ha and 100 kg KCl/ha. Irrigation started from land preparation. Control block was flooded by a water height of 7 cm. Low level continues flow block was flooded by a water height of 3-5 cm. The volume of water used to saturate the soil of the saturated block was estimated. The results showed that total volume of water irigation during the rice growing period in the control block was 2,761.91 m3 ;low level continous flow irrigation block was about 1,217.03 and only about 638.98 m3 for the alternate wet and dry irrigation block,and for soil saturation block was about 549.74 m3 . The rice yield of deep flooding irrigation treatment was equivalent to 5.6 tons/ha of dry paddy while the yields of low level continuous flow irrigation,alternate wet and dry irrigation and soil saturation treatments reached 5,3 tons/ha,3.36 tons/ha and 2.80 tons/ ha respectively..
关键词:Water use efficiency;rice grow;irrigation;water scarcity