摘要:Mangrove ecosystem valuation can be used as a reference for decision making for management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems in a sustainable manner. The range of activities and interests conducted in coastal areas is not expected to negatively impact the ecology,economic and social. Carat Cape mangrove areas provide enormous benefits to the surrounding community,especially Sungsang IV village. From the results of the study illustrate the provosioning ecosystem service utilized community Sungsang IV village consists of materials construction (timber and nypa leaves),a source of livelihood or subsistance (nypa fruit,fish,shrimp,crab,and scallops). The total value of provosioning ecosystem services mangrove Carat Cape utilized by 45 respondent the Sungsang IV village community Rp. Rp.1.715.590.000,- per year dominated by income generated by marine of fisheris which is the main livelihood of the fishermen Sungsang IV village reached Rp.1.302.600.000,- per year on 2018..
其他摘要:Penilaian ekosistem mangrove dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan pengambilan keputusan untuk pengelolaan pelestarian ekosistem mangrove secara berkelanjutan. Berbagai kegiatan dan kepentingan yang dilakukan di wilayah pesisir diharapkan tidak memberikan dampak
关键词:Provisioning Services;Mangrove;Ecosystem services;Sungsang IV
其他关键词:Jasa Lingkunan penyedia;hutan mangrove;jasa lingkungan;Desa Sungsang IV.