出版社:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija Prof. dr Radomir Bojković, Kruševac
摘要:All the intensive development of the market itself and the increasing demands of customers with growing competitive pressures,changes in business and the environment,together with technical and technological achievements under the influence of the dynamics of social development,have forced organizations to find and implement new ways and means of solving problems in dealing with survival and success rate. In response to the growing competition in the changed business conditions,management undertakes various initiatives and alternatives to increase the flexibility of business processes and speed of response to the different requirements of customers and other stakeholders. Thus,there is a point of integration of many concepts,approaches,and developed management systems that increase the competitive strength of the company and affect its success in the contemporary market. Adopting a new management approaches (concepts) in business represents a revolutionary change for the business system of the organization. These approaches emphasize work performed within the organization opposed to product orientation,which focuses on what is produced. It is important to choose the right goals to be accomplished and the right ways for a broader affirmation of the achieved results. Only in this manner will the resources invested have a positive effect on the awareness,image and loyalty of the customers and other business partners,as well as on bigger sales and higher profits in the long run. As for companies,it is essential not only to develop and implement socially responsible initiatives,but to promote them in an efficient and effective way as well..
其他摘要:Sve intenzivniji razvoj tržišta i sve veći zahtevi kupaca,uz rastući pritisak konkurencije,promene u preduzećima i okruženju,zajedno sa tehničko-tehnološkim dostignućima i pod uticajem dinamike društvenog razvoja,prisilile su organizacije da pronalaze i p