出版社:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija Prof. dr Radomir Bojković, Kruševac
摘要:The constant changes highlight the increa- sing importance of leadership,management effective working relationships,teamwork, partnership-building (both within and out- side the organisation). The changes are directly driven by the requirements for a product’s price,quality,delivery performan- ce etc.,which may result from the factors of unexpected changes of competitive market environment,globalization of market,a variety of customers’ demands,and shorten- ed product life cycle. More and more companies are faced with clients who have growing demands and the growing require- ments of delivery. It requires speed, flexibility and responsibility of the produ- cers. Without automation and sophisticated control,user needs can’t be met. Successful organisations develop leadership and mana- gement. Successful leaders are focused on vision,changes,customer and other partners satisfaction,results,impro-ving interpersonal relationships..
其他摘要:Stalne promene naglašavaju rastući značaj liderstva,menadžmenta,efektivnih radnih odnosa,timskog rada,stvaranja partnersta- va (u okviru i izvan organizacije). Na pro- mene su direktno uticali zahtevi za cenom proizvoda,kvalitetom,isporukom itd.,koji su r