出版社:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija Prof. dr Radomir Bojković, Kruševac
摘要:Under the pressure of competition and increasing customer demands,market oriented company is constantly faced with the problem of costs and problems of innovation. However,the employees, especially managers,are forced to learn and master new skills along the progress of the development and changes in society. In order to achieve the objectives of the organization,human resources have an extremely important role,because the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation process of the organization depends primarily on the training of employees to perform their assigned tasks. The whole human knowledge doubles every two or three years to keep pace with the changes. For organizations nowadays,the only mean of survival is imperative: to learn faster than the competition. This requires a new qualification profiles,new skills and new relationships between the organization and the individual..
其他摘要:Pod pritiskom konkurencije i sve većih zahteva potrošača,tržišno-orijentisano preduzeće je stalno suočeno sa problemom troškova i problemom inovacija. Međutim,zaposleni,a naročito menadžeri,prinuđeni su da uče i savladavaju nova znanja brzinom kojom se od