出版社:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija Prof. dr Radomir Bojković, Kruševac
摘要:Human resources - intellectual capital is a key factor in strengthening competitiveness. On the world market,competitive advantage is implied to be a comparatively higher power,or power of a company,a product or an economy in relation to others. Collaboration and partnership may be one of the key words in the lessons on competition,i.e. this collaboration model by connecting all the links,from manufacturers,suppliers,distributors, research institutes,all of which can contribute to a better positioning of a product on the market. The development of an organization in the future will depend on whether they have enough money to invest in training and development of its employees,who represent the greatest wealth that the company owns..
其他摘要:Ljudski resursi,odnosno,intelektualni kapital jedan je od ključnih faktora jačanja konkurentnosti. Na svetskom tržištu se pod konkurentskom prednošću podrazumeva relativno veća moć,odnosno snaga jedne kompanije,jednog proizvoda ili jedne ekonomije u odnos