出版社:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija Prof. dr Radomir Bojković, Kruševac
摘要:The state pension systems of most countries in the world have been facing the problem of difficult financing due to the mismatch in the inflow of funds deriving from the contribution of employees and the outflow of funds from the payment of pensions to pension beneficiaries. The main causes of poor functioning of the current financing system are mostly demographic. In order to overcome problems in the financing of pension systems,most countries have implemented pension reforms based on parametric changes in state pension insurance and on the introduction of compulsory or voluntary pension insurance policies. Certain legal changes were made in Serbia regarding the age limit necessary to be eligible for old-age and disability pensions,tightening the conditions for obtaining the right to a pension,calculating pensions,and other. Also,more than a decade ago,voluntary pension funds appeared in Serbia,which have so far achieved positive business results. Serbia is still in an unfavourable situation regarding the financing of the state pension fund,whose deficits are financed by subsidies from the budget. In the future,it is necessary to devote more attention to structural measures,such as more effective employment policies,birth-rate policies,and more. Also,it is necessary to constantly improve measures and instruments for combating the grey economy..
其他摘要:Državni penzijski sistemi većine zemalja u svetu suočili su se sa problemom otežanog finansiranja zbog neusklađenosti priliva sredstava koji potiču iz doprinosa zaposlenih i odliva sredstava po osnovu isplate penzija korisnicima penzija. Osnovni uzroci lo
关键词:pension system;pension fund;pension system reforms;pension system unsustainability
其他关键词:penzijski sitem;penzijski fond;reforme penzijskog sistema;neodrživost penzijskog sistema