摘要:Rejang Sakral Lanang Dance in Mayong Village,Seririt District,Buleleng Regency is a sacred dance that has a unique one of which lies in the dance motion. Understanding and knowing the aesthetics of movement in the Rejang Sakral Lanang Dance in Mayong Village is the aim of this study. This research data collection uses unstructured observation techniques,interview techniques,documentation studies,and literature studies. Based on the data analysis,the conclusion is that the movement of Rejang Sakral Lanang Dance in Mayong Village consists of only four movements that are always used repeatedly from the beginning of the dance to the end of the dance,so that the structure of this dance uses a single structure. The four movements include: agem,nengkleng,nindak,and nutup. Movement on this dance has aesthetics because it is in accordance with the theory of Thomas Aquinas who argues that,beauty includes three requirements,namely unity,balance, and clarity. Unity can be seen from the movements in the dance supported by fashion,cosmetology,staging and dance accompaniment music in accordance with the character of the dance;Balance can be seen from the repetition of movements from right to left or from left to right because it is caused by the structure in the dance and the harmony between the floor design and the upper design;The clarity of the movements of the Rejang Sakral Lanang Dance can be seen from the performance which features only four movements that are repeated from the beginning to the end of the dance. The movements carried out are also supported by dancers,fashion, makeup,and staging venues that can also be seen clearly.
其他摘要:Tari Rejang Sakral Lanang di Desa Mayong,Kecamatan Seririt,Kabupaten Buleleng adalah sebuah tari sakral yang memiliki keunikan salah satunya terletak pada gerak tarinya. Memahami dan mengetahui estetika gerak dalam Tari Rejang Sakral Lanang di Desa Mayong