出版社:Pedagoško društvo Srbije i Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
摘要:The teacher's motivation is the first condition for a successful introduction and maintenance of changes in the teaching process. The paper is aimed at presenting the results of a research on teachers' motivation for changes which were introduced during one academic year project named 'Trefoil' in one elementary school in Belgrade. The aim of the experiment was to examine whether the practice of using plays,research,dialogues,problem solving,group work,and work on projects stimulate incentive,cooperation and creative work of students and which problems may arise during such activities. We used summative and formative evaluation of qualitative and quantitative type and,within it,interviews by which the data about the teachers' motivation to use the mentioned teaching methods were gathered by teachers,school psychologists and pedagogues. The results fluctuate,slightly grow,and show that average motivation is relatively high. Motivation is aided by facilitators,too,as well as by the experience of reflexive practice at teachers' meetings. The problems that hinder teachers' motivation are: fear from the unknown,lack of external stimuli,technical conditions and time;insufficient coordination of novelties with curricular contents,students' age and curricula which are oriented to reproduction. What is nededed is better initial teacher training,more teaching materials,practical presentations and visiting classes of other colleagues,improving curricula and the status of teachers,reduction of administration and papirology. The changes should be implemented gradually and maintained after the experiment.
其他摘要:Мотивисаност наставника представља први услов за успешно увођење промена и њихово одржaвање у настави. Циљ овог рада је да прикаже резултате истраживања мотивисаности наставника једне основне градске школе за промене које су уведене током једногодишњег ог