出版社:Pedagoško društvo Srbije i Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
摘要:Tourism stimulates the work of a large number of small and medium companies,who provide increase of the number of employees. By following the trends,high education institutions try to provide expert cadre who will be future transmitters of trends in the field. In order to preserve and enhance the quality of education in this area it is necessary to take care of the quality of the program of practical training as the bridge between formal education and work in tourism. In that context,the aim of the research was to explore the role and importance of practical training in the education of students in hotel industry and tourism. The research included 134 respondents,divided in two groups depending upon whether they had any experience in practical training in hotels and tourist agencies. The result shows that there are no significant differences in the perception of the importance of practical training and the factors which influence the selection of the company in which students perform practical training. On the other hand,the results show that there are significant differences,related to the role of hotels and tourist agencies in their practical education and competencies they should master at the end of the training,between those students who had practical training and those who have not had it yet.
其他摘要:Туризам подстиче рад великог броја малих и средњих предузећа,кроз чију активност се обезбеђује пораст броја запослених. Пратећи трендове,високошколске установе настоје да обезбеде стручњаке који ће бити носиоци будућих кретања у туризму. Како би се квалит
关键词:quality of education; practical training; hotel industry; tourism