出版社:Pedagoško društvo Srbije i Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
摘要:The educational influence of natural science teaching is often neglected or minimized,which is wrong,even risky,considering the age in which we live. If the outcome of the educational process is to create an informed,proactive and responsible citizen who,on the basis of scientific and technological knowledge makes decisions which do not jeopardize him or his ecological and social environment,who cares about sustainable development - science teaching can contribute significantly to the desired outcome. The aim of this paper is to analyse educational potentialities of science teaching and to define those educational goals especially important for education in modern social circumstances. They are,primarily,(1) formation of scientific view of the world;(2) formation of attitudes,convictions and value systems;(3) development of skills necessary for the role of the responsible citizen.
其他摘要:Васпитни утицај наставе природних наука често се превиђа или минимализује,што је погрешно,па чак ризично с обзиром на карактеристике доба у коме живимо. Ако би исход васпитно-образовног процеса требало да буде обавештен,проактиван и одговоран грађанин,кој
关键词:education; subject teaching; natural sciences teaching;values in science;development of value system;education for the role of citizen
其他关键词:васпитање;предметна настава;настава природних наука;вредности у науци;развој система вредности;васпитање за улогу грађанина.