出版社:Pedagoško društvo Srbije i Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
摘要:The paper deals with the effects of specially programmed types of physical activities on the development of coordination of the pupils with developmental difficulties in regular elementary schools. The method of pedagogical research with parallel groups was used in the research which included 135 junior elementary-school pupils. Among them 90 pupils had one of developmental difficulties (intellectual disability,visual and hearing disturbances) and they were divided into an experimental and a control group 1,while other pupils had typical development and they formed the control group 2 (n=45). Besides regular classes of physical education the experimental group was engaged in a special programme,devised and implemented into the Individual Educational Plan,as one of the types of intervention within the system of inclusive education. The research lasted for three months during which the groups were tested by the tests of coordination and the data obtained at the beginning and the end of the research period were processed by the application of univariant analysis of covariance and the T-test of the paired samples. The results show that the pupils with developmental difficulties can considerably progress in the development of coordination if their individual characteristics are recognized and optimal conditions are provided.
其他摘要:У овом раду испитује се утицај примене посебно програмираних облика физичке активности на развој способности координације код ученика са сметњама у развоју у редовној основној школи. Истраживање је спроведено методом педагошког експеримента са паралелним
关键词:development of coordination;pupils with developmental difficulties;pupils with typical development; individual education plan; inclusive education
其他关键词:развој координације;ученици са сметњама у развоју;ученици типичног развоја;индивидуални образовни план;инклузивно образовање.