出版社:Pedagoško društvo Srbije i Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
摘要:The aim of the empirical part of the research was to explore the attitude of the Serbian academic community towards the English language used as lingua franca (ELF),i.e. neutral variety of the English language. The results might be a starting point in considering whether to include ELF in the language policy and,consequently,into English curricula in Serbia. The research included members of Serbian academic community,students of different departments,and English language teachers in the state owned and privately owned universities in Belgrade,Novi Sad and Nis. After examining their attitudes towards key postulates of ELF the conclusions are that it is necessary to start discussions about the concepts of the variety and to reassess current deeply rooted ideas about the English language from the perspective of modern linguistic trends. The need for a more liberal approach to the variety is not generated only in the needs of the market,i.e. those people to whom English is a practical means of international communication,but also the need to adjust ELT (English Language Teaching) to modern linguistic tendencies and the European Council recommendations.
其他摘要:Циљ емпиријског дела истраживања био је да се испита став српске академске заједнице према енглеском језику као lingua franca (ЕЛФ),неутралном варијетету енглеског језика. Резултати би могли представљати полазишну тачку разматрања перспективе укључивања Е
关键词:English as lingua franca;English language varieties; English language teaching;educational language policy;ELF in educational setting in Serbia
其他关键词:енглески језик као lingua franca;варијетети енглеског језика;настава енглеског језика;језичка образовна политика;ЕЛФ у образовању у Србији.