出版社:Pedagoško društvo Srbije i Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu
摘要:Techniques of posing questions are one of strategic teaching skills in all school subjects,including foreign languages,because they form a basis for succeccful teacher/student interactions. Since foreign language teachers teach language,a high percentage of teaching activities make use of questions and answers which stimulate the development of the student's communicative competence. The aim of our research was to examine the views of English language teachers about the importance and practice of posing questions in teaching English as a foreign language at elementary school age level. The research included 104 teachers of English as a foreign language in different cities in the Republic of Serbia,The results show that the teachers are aware of practical importance of posing various types of questions in order to stimulate language production and teacher/student as well as peer interaction. In foreign language teaching it is very important to purposefully and skillfully select speech situations which will stimulate students' curiosity,reflection,greater language production and active language learning.
其他摘要:Технике постављања питања представљају једну од стратешких наставних вештина у подучавању свих наставних предмета,па и страних језика,јер представљају основ за успешну интеракцију између наставника и ученика. Будући да наставници страних језика ученике по
关键词:posing questions; interaction;English language teaching at elementary school age; communicative competence
其他关键词:постављање питања;интеракција;настава енглеског језика на основношколском узрасту;комуникативна компетенција.