摘要:The debate took place on April 29th 2009 at the Ignatianum in Cracow.Three eminent professors Wł.Stróżewski, P.Taranczewski and J.Romanowski expressed their opinions in the discussion.The fi rst analysed the relation between a work of art and freedom.P.Taranczewski described different kinds of limits in the domain of art.J.Romanowicz stigmatized the limitations and even harassing which affect the actors employed in the theater.The author of this paper evaluates the moral aspects of the postmodern art which often does not pay regard to the dignity and freedom of persons.
其他摘要:W dniu 29.kwietnia 2009 roku odbyła się w WSFP Ignatianum w Krakowie debata na temat wolności w sztuce.Dyskutantami byli znamienici profesorowie: Władysław Stróżewski, Paweł Taranczewski i Jacek Romanowski.Debatę prowadził Krzysztof Wałczyk SJ.Pierwsza cz