摘要:Background and Objective: Emotional Intelligence provides a new perspective to anticipate effective factors on people's success in a society.Cognitive Intelligence,in its best context,is the cause of 20 percent of people's success in their life.80 percent of success depends on other factors like Emotional Intelligence.In our educational system there is more emphasis on cognitive intelligence than emotional intelligence.Therefore,as EQ is of paramount importance in people's future,this study investigated a comparison between talented and normal students regarding Emotional Intelligence.Materials and Methods: This sectional descriptive study had an analytical approach between two groups and was conducted in 1392 on students of Golestan University of Medical Sciences.152 students,including 41talented and 111 normal students participated in this study.Instrument of collecting data included a questionnaire with 133 Questions about Emotional Intelligence with N-bar normalization and demographic and educational specification.Analysis of data was performed by ANOVA,T-test and Kruskal Wallis.Results: Findings showed that an average EQ of talented students was 77.103 and that of normal ones was 41.98.Comparison test and T-test showed that there was no significant difference in EQ of students between the two groups (P= 00085).In self-actualization component,there was a meaningful significance between talented and normal students (P=0.004).As a whole,it was worth to note that there was a meaningful difference regarding EQ among talented students with educated fathers (P=0.046).It was also shown that there was a meaningful difference regarding EQ among normal students with educated fathers (P=0.04).Conclusion: Results showed that there was no significant difference regarding EQ between talented and normal students.So it can be said that being talented could not be the only factor to have higher abilities.It is proposed that in measuring talented students' abilities,not only cognitive intelligence but also EQ which causes more than 80 percent of peoples' success in a society should be considered.
其他摘要:«هوش هیجانی» دیدگاه جدیدی درباره پیشبینی عوامل مؤثر بر موفقیت افراددرجامعه را فراهم میسازد.«هوش عمومی» دربهترین شرایط، تنهاعامل20درصدازموفقیتهای زندگی است.80 درصد موفقیتها به عوامل دیگر از جمله هوش هیجانی وابسته است.درنظام آموزشی ما، این مشکل وجودداردک