摘要:Multiple job holding - i.e., a phenomenon in which workers have more than one job-has become a trend in developed countries and is beginning to occur in developing countries, such as Indonesia. Existing studies provide the evidence that wages are a significant and consistent criterion to determine multiple job decisions. Wage increases in the primary job will decrease the incentive to have a second job as the reservation wage increases. However, we do not find any study which links the current multiple job decision with the past multiple job status. In this study, we use data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) in 2007 and 2014 to investigate whether or not a wage increase in the primary job reduces the incentive to have asecond job in 2014, controlling for the multiple job status in 2007. Using logit and multinomial logit estimations, we find that the wage increase in the primary job decreases the probability of having a second job in 201.
关键词:multiple job holding; wages; employment; main job; second job