摘要:In recent years, environmental protection has been prioritized, including through a rational use of natural raw materials, waste minimization and maximization of waste reuse. It is of great importance especially in the wood sector where by-products, i.e. non-waste post-production residues from consecutive stages of wood processing in the production of wood materials and products, create an additional market for raw and other materials. Nevertheless, the resources and possible uses of by-products have not been fully defined in practical terms. Therefore, this paper presents the results of a survey carried out by the Wood Technology Institute in 2016 to broaden and validate the knowledge of Polish resources of wood by-products, taking into consideration their sources, types, functional properties and uses. The survey was based on 2015 data and targeted 477 wood companies. It revealed that the volumes and shares of by-products generated in the wood industry were highly diverse. In 2015, the largest amount of wood by-products was generated in the process of plywood and window production while the production of wet-process hardboards and dryprocess LDFs generated the smallest volumes of by-products. In turn, the production of wet-process porous fiberboards was a zero-waste process in the companies surveyed.
其他摘要:W ostatnich latach priorytetem staje się ochrona środowiska naturalnego, w tym racjonalne wykorzystanie surowców naturalnych, minimalizacja powstających odpadów i maksymalizacja ich wtórnego zagospodarowania. Ma to duże znaczenie zwłaszcza w sektorze drze
关键词:wood by-products; sources of wood by-products; types of wood by-products; uses of wood by-products