摘要:As reflected in new theoretical concepts, urban impacts on rural areas change over time. Many contemporary studies address the issue of rural gentrification which is connected with such processes as suburbanization and rural urbanization. Gentrification is more than just a new name for these processes because it brings a new aspect: the inflow of new migrants (the middle class) results in improvements and enhancements to rural living conditions. Because of their qualities such as education, social and professional status, incomes, specific lifestyle and entrepreneurial nature, representatives of the middle class change the rural areas from the inside. Poland has a considerable gap vis-à-vis the developed Western countries who witnessed this process in the 1980s. Based on a case study of the Prażmów municipality located close to Warsaw, this paper focuses on the characteristics of the gentrifier population and autochthonous inhabitants. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the differences in lifestyle between these sub-populations in the gentrified rural community.
其他摘要:Analizowany w czasie wpływ miasta na wieś zmienia swój charakter, co znajduje odbicie w nowych koncepcjach teoretycznych. Wiele współczesnych studiów poświęconych jest gentryfikacji wsi, powiązanej z takimi procesami, jak suburbanizacja i urbanizacja. Nie