摘要:The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the food sharing model can help reducing food waste and, through the involvement of the B2P sector, could become an important factor affecting the environmental and food security of the nation. This is a theoretical paper. In the pursuit of the above objective, the author relied on a critical analysis of literature and used a case study. As shown by the literature analysis, food sharing projects become increasingly important in Europe and all over the world. Although different models of food sharing have been functioning for a long time, it gained particular importance in the 21st century when food waste has become one of the most severe global issues. Food sharing is mainly based on cooperation and involvement of participants. Also, there is a user community (i.e. donors and recipients) who take active part in its development. In Poland, examples of food sharing projects include what is referred to as Jadłodzielnia, a facility which contributes to changing and developing appropriate consumption patterns and, as a result, to reducing food waste.
其他摘要:Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, że model foodsharingowy może przyczynić się do ograniczenia marnotrawstwa żywności oraz – poprzez zaangażowanie podmiotów sektora B2P – ma szansę stać się jednym z istotnych czynników wpływających na bezpieczeństwo ekologicz