摘要:In this study store signs, sign plates, and the like in five big neighborhoods in Mezitli, Mersin, were examined in terms of language usage. In the study, which language or combination of languages were used in the preparation of the signs, sign plates, and the like, how they were dispersed proportionally in terms of language usage, and what kind of practices were needed to be implemented in order to obviate the identified linguistic misusages were discussed. The steps in the study were the Identification of the signs and sign plates in the five neighborhoods, obtaining their proportional dispersion on the basis of language usage, and attaining various results in the light of the obtained data.This examination aims to help researchers working in the field gain awareness about the proportion of language misusages in signs, sign plates and the like, and what kind of precautions need to be taken to prevent language misusages.
其他摘要:Bu çalışmada, Mersin ile Mezitli ilçesindeki beş büyük mahallede yer alan iş yerlerini tanıtıcı tabela, levha vb. unsurlar, dilsel kullanımlar açısından incelenmiştir. Beş büyük mahallede yer alan iş yerlerini tanıtıcı tabela, levha vb. unsurların hangi d
关键词:Turkish language education; store signs and sign plates; language usages
其他关键词:Türkçe eğitimi; tanıtıcı tabela ve levhalar; dilsel kullanımlar