期刊名称:Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
出版社:Institute of Economic Research
摘要:Mining industry in Poland faces many financial problems. One of them is to deter mine the proper performance funding structure. The main objective of this article is to create new models of funding performance in mining enterprises and to propose the way of examin_x005f?ing influence of separate models on effectiveness of finance management in mining enterpris?es. As the measure of effectiveness growth regarding finance management the Authors adopted the value growth of mining enterprise. In the following stages of research there were assump?tions and procedure presented for building funding models of mining enterprises as well as the basic funding models were suggested and the method of examining models’ influence on the value of a mining enterprise was described. In order to solve the research problem there were several general methods used: financial data analysis, comparison and generalization and also detailed methods such as: observation, documents analysis method, statistic methods.