期刊名称:International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology
出版社:Asian Exercise and Sport Science Association
摘要:Background: One of the objectives of health conservation activities in the educational environment of the educational institution is to preserve and further develop public healthcare-saving experience accumulated by civilization. This will ensure the formation in educational institutions of such pedagogical conditions that are at least harmful to the health of all participants in the educational process. In view of this, modern views on healthcare presuppose the study of students of general education institutions at the same time and as objects and subjects of vocational and pedagogical activities. Given that pedagogical systems are complex social entities, the effectiveness of the process of forming, strengthening and maintaining the health of all participants in the educational process depends on the level and quality of the subject-subjective interaction of all its structural elements. The formulation of the question, in which students are simultaneously perceived both as objects of pedagogical management, and as subjects of health and conservation activities, actualizes the need for analysis of the characteristics of the subjects of health preservation in the realization of healthcare-saving technologies in education structures. Methods : The basis of scientific research is the observation as a systematic purposeful study of the object; poll as the most common method of obtaining information; comparison-analysis as a method for comparing the features inherent in two or more objects. In addition, the study of healthcare providers as well as analysis of the main trends in the development of scientific views on health, the use of a set of methods: theoretical methods: a comparative analysis of psycho-pedagogical, and health-saving literature for the synthesis of scientific facts regarding the health aspects of preservation in society; retrospective analysis, scientific reflection to form a holistic view of the phenomenon of health conservation; empirical methods:diagnostic (sociological observations). Results: It is the study of the health of students of comprehensive educational institutions as well as the analysis of statistical data related to the preservation of health, the development of scientific views and the substantiation of the main stages of the formation of theoretical concepts for the preservation of human health in general, and the child in particular, the society's attitude to the problems of health preservation, which reflected the dynamic manifestation of universal values and needs. Pilot study 2012-2013 during pedagogical practice for 3-4-year students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University named after, as well as analysis of the health status of students of general educational institutions of Poltava, based on which practice was conducted. Conclusions: The state of health of students of comprehensive educational institutions of Poltava city has been studied and analyzed, the main tendencies in the development of public opinion on the preservation of health and health-saving activity are determined, the main problems of health care have been researched and substantiated. This article does not exhaust all aspects of the problem under consideration and updates the need for increased attention in relation to further fundamental research, theoretical developments and practices of historical heritage, the implementation of the most advanced technologies of healthcare in education.
关键词:Health;health-saving technologies; health-saving activities; stages of healthcare