出版社:University of Rijeka, Faculty of maritime studies
摘要:Most of the studied effects of human factor on casualties in maritime transport are related to individual ship crew members’ subjective approach to solving the problem. That is why a success in ship management greatly depends on skills, knowledge and experience of the master and the officer of the watch. Specialized navigational simulators are very useful aids in the ship handling education. Using these simulators much can be done on the plane of education of shipmasters, deck officers and certainly of pilots. During the education of students and experienced nautical personnel, some problems have arisen which needed to be analysed. The most important teaching task is creating a situation as real as possible.
其他摘要:Najveći broj istraženih utjecaja ljudskog faktora na nezgode u pomorskom prometu vezani su uz ponašanje individualnog člana posade broda i njegov subjektivni pristup rješavanju problema. Poradi toga uspješnost upravljanja brodom uvelike ovisi o vještini,