摘要:Author contemplates the relations between hermeneutics and philosophical ethics. He conceives ethics as normative and critical reflections on one hand, and as hermeneutics of morality on the other. Similarly to Gadamer author points out the meaning of phronesis and calls for return to the idea of practical philosophy, which is able to grasp all of the life world and which is articulated in laws and customs. Basis for that meaning of philosophical ethics consist in ethos. Self-presentation of that ethos take place in social form of life. Philosophical ethics conceived as hermeneutics of morality, rise in mere practice of everyday life and roots in its primal rationalit.
其他摘要:Nie będziemy mówić tutaj o możliwości ufundowania etyki filozoficznej na teoretycznej podstawie, jaką może stanowić dla niej hermeneutyka. Przedmiotem mojego zainteresowania w niniejszym artykule nie będzie zatem etyka hermeneutyczna, lecz jedynie możliwo