摘要:In this age of knowledge and communicaƟ on, standing out amongst the rivals, making a diff erence and establishing an emoƟ onal bond with the target group become very important. For insƟ tuƟ ons showing awareness to the problems of the society and having opportuniƟ es of promoƟ ons in mass media devices, would be able to create a beƩ er image for their corporate self. The eff ecƟ ve method of markeƟ ng to reach such purposes is sponsorship. Sponsorship is an effi cient method of markeƟ ng; its purposes are promoƟ ng the insƟ tuƟ on or the product, creaƟ ng an image, strengthening that image and aff ecƟ ng the purchasing choices in an indirect way. A markeƟ ng oriented sponsorship is a communicaƟ on device that aims the commercial results. Today, the companies uƟ lize the sponsorship acƟ viƟ es which are one of the markeƟ ng methods, used commonly in order to create a brand image as well as creaƟ ng awareness on the consumers. The sponsorship has three group of purposes directed towards the public relaƟ ons, promoƟ ons and markeƟ ng. In respect to creaƟ ng more awareness on the target group and being much convincing, sponsorship is a very eff ecƟ ve tool. In this study, the factors that are eff ecƟ ve on creaƟ ng an image will be discussed and one of those factors, the sponsorship, will be evaluated with a pracƟ ce.
其他摘要:Bilgi ve ileƟşim çağının yaşandığı günümüzde rakipler arasından ön plâna çıkmak, farklılık yaratmak, hedef kitleyle duygusal bir bağ kurmak önemli hale gelmişƟ r. Kurumların toplumun problemlerine duyarlılık göstermesi, kitle ileƟşim araçlarında tanıƨ m i