期刊名称:Analele Universităţii din Oradea: Seria Geografie
出版社:University of Oradea Publishing House
摘要:This paper focuses on the landscape of marshes in the Land of Dorna, on the concept of landscape, as well as on the methods used in outlining its specific elements. The aim is to illustrate as accurate as possible the geographical reality of the Carpathian Mountains and to highlight the relationships between the natural and the anthropogenic environment. The outcome proved the veracity of the hypothesis made at the beginning of the study, that, in the end, the residents of the Land of Dorna have proved to be aware of the importance of the landscape of marshes, of its management and that, over time, they have managed to identify themselves with these sites, included in the perceived space.
关键词:land subsidence; loads over alluvial plain; soil mechanics