摘要:Normalization of diplomatic relations between Yugoslavia and Federal Republic of Germany was followed with the desire to settle all bilateral issues. Still, the activity of Yugoslav emigration in the Federal Republic of Germany was burdening Yugoslav-German relations well into 1990s. The terrorist activity of Yugoslav emigration was abundant only at the territory of the Federal Repu blic. After the creation of Great Coalition, German government showed signs of political will to prevent this terrorist activity. Willy Brandt’s coming to power in FRG was characterized with the attempts to eliminate terrorist activity of Croa tian emigration. Visit of German Minister of Interior to Yugoslavia and the con clusion of extradition treaty showed the actual intention to solve this matter per manently. Still, the severed regime of German authorities towards political orga nization of foreigners did not prevent the terrorist activity. Croatian emigration continued organizing the attacks, mainly directed against Yugoslav diplomats. At the same time, emigration was still active among Yugoslav workers. It is hard to assess the actual impact of these organizations on Yugoslav workers in the light of the limited archival material. Undoubtedly, Croatian diaspora had a significant role in happenings in the former Yugoslavia during 1990s.
其他摘要:Posle obnavljanja diplomatskih odnosa 1968. godine, SR NemaČka i Jugoslavija su pristupile rešavanju mnogih pitanja koja su optereĆivala bilateralne odnose dve zemlje spreČavajuĆi njihovu potpunu normalizaciju. Jedno od tih pitanja, koje je zahtevalo dugo