期刊名称:Analele Universităţii din Oradea: Seria Geografie
出版社:University of Oradea Publishing House
摘要:Some aspects of the system of medical institutions and of medical services in the Bihor - Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion. Among the determining factors of the health condition of the population an important contribution must have medical services. We must mention that maintaining health does not only consist of adequate medical assistance but it also has a profound social ingredient, being an important part of the whole of the economical-social conditions. The importance and necessity of the system of medical institutions and of the medical services is felt by every single person of contemporary society, beneficiaries of these being not only the people who take advantage of the services of public institutions but the society as a whole. Actions and measurements taken for increasing hopes for life at birth, for curing diseases or for reducing death rates have a serious impact on the level of the society as a whole.