期刊名称:Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
出版社:Bogor Agricultural University
摘要:The expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia is often blamed for triggering the destruction of natural resources and reducing tropical biodiversity. Herpetofauna is one of biodiversity in oil palm plantations, and information about its species diversity is lim-ited. This study aims to reveal the diversity of Herpetofauna diversity in the oil palm landscape in Central Kalimantan. Field inven-tories were conducted on seven types of land cover: young palm, mature palm oil, old palm oil, High Conservation Value areas, secondary forests, shrubs and smallholder plantations. We used the Visual Encounter Method to find Herpetofauna species in all land cover types. This study revealed that the diversity of Herpetofauna species in PT BLP varies based on the type of land cover. The HCV area and Secondary Forest have the largest number of species (12 species), while secondary Forest has the highest abundance among other types of land cover, followed by old oil palm plantations. The Oil palm plantation landscapes with land cover variations, water availability, and riparian areas can be part of the habitat of several Herpetofauna species and are man-aged for sustainable palm oil management schemes.
关键词:Perkebunan kelapa sawit; amphibi; reptilia; indeks keanekaragaman spesies; Kalimantan Tengah