期刊名称:Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
出版社:Bogor Agricultural University
摘要:Public Street Light (PSL) with Solar Cell Power has good prospects to be developed in the equator. PSL design must provide reliable service. The aims of tAhis research are to know how the design of PSL with Solar Cell Power can provide a reliable service of The PSL. Besides that, monitoring of the performance of PSL is expected to be carried out centrally, this is to facilitate employees in observing the performance of the lights, also to anticipate damage PSL components. The design of PSL are expected to meet these expectations. This PSL designed can provide data on the performance of the main components of the PSL with Solar Cell Power, namely: Solar Cell, Batteries and LEDs. Descriptive analysis is used to analyze PSL technically, and economic feasibility analysis to PSL economically. Solar panels and lights work according to the technival spesifications, while the battery does not work according to technical spesifications, when the light is on less than specified, which is less than 12 hours. Economic analysis is taken into account of the design of this PSL. Net Present Value (NPV) are used in analyzing the Smart Design of PSL, which is by adding up all cash flow and investment costs. PSL is not an economics investment project carried out by the private sector. NPV Value with 10 % discount rate indicates that PSL is not feasible for business. Calculation of 0% discount rate, economic analysis is obtained if the price of electricity per KWH reaches of value of Rp. 11 027, which is more than seven times the price of PLN electricity per KWH without subsidies.