摘要:Pokea is one of the economically value clam exploited by the fisherman in Southeast Sulawesi. The aim of this study was to determine population dynamics of the pokea at Lasolo estuary in Southeast Sulawesi. Samples of the pokea were collected each month for one year from January to December 2014 using purposive random sampling based on swept area method using a traditional gear, which fisherman called “tangge” at the Lasolo estuary. The density of the clam based on the size and time was determined using Mann Whitney U test whereas density towards production and biomass was analyzed by linear regression. The results showed that the size of the pokea ranged from 0,15-8,09 cm and the density of the pokea ranged from 173-569 ind/m2 . There was a significantly different in the density of the pokea based on the size. The highest density was dominated by the pokea 1,74-2,26 cm and 2,80-3,32 cm. However, no significantly different was observed in the density of the pokea based on the time. Pokea size 5,45-5,97 cm (3,02gMK/m2 /yr) had the highest individuall, somatic production while pokea size 2,80-3,32 cm (160,87 gMK/m2 /yr) had the highest annual population production. Biomass population ranged 0,0002-20,07 gMK/m2 with the highest biomass occured at the size 2,80- 3,32 cm (20,069 gMK/m2 ). The turnover rate (P/B) of pokea was 8,01/year.
其他摘要:Pokea merupakan jenis kerang bernilai ekonomis yang dieksploitasi nelayan Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dinamika populasi kerang pokea di muara Sungai Lasolo Sulawesi Tenggara. Sampel kerang pokea dikumpulkan secara periodik