摘要:One of the solutions to reduce carbon gas emissions that triggered global warming is to utilize coastal vegetation such as seagrass that known as blue carbon. This research was aimed to determine stock carbon on seagrass in the east coast of Bintan Regency, Kepulauan Riau Province as an effort to reduce global warming. The research was conducted in Berakit, Malang Rapat, and Teluk Bakau from January to July 2017. The parameters measured in this research were biomass, carbon content, and carbon stock on seagrass. The anylisis of the biomass was obtained from the dry weight per unit area, the carbon content was obtained by Walkley and black method, the carbon stock was obtained by the measurement of the biomass and carbon content. Based on the observation, seagrass ecosystem in east coast of Bintan was palnted by C. rotundata, C. serrulata, E. acoroides, H. uninervis, H. pinifolia, H. ovalis, T. hemprichii, T. ciliatum, dan S. isoetifolium. The below ground biomass and carbon percentation were higher that the aboveground parts so when the leaves are released either because of human or natural actions, seagrass is still able to store carbon. Seagrass beds on the east coast of Bintan Regency have the potential to absorb and store carbon which is equal to 2431.33 tons C as E. acoroides being the species which capable of producing the highest biomass and highest carbon content, although this number cannot be used as a reference whether seagrass has high potential or no because until now there has been no standard value.
其他摘要:Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi emisi gas karbon pemicu pemanasan global adalah dengan memanfaatkan vegetasi pesisir seperti lamun yang dikenal dengan istilah blue carbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stok karbon pada padang lamun di Pesisi