摘要:Coral reef ecosystems have many benefits including protect the coast from strong waves and currents and are important in maintaining the ecological system in these waters as habitat, spawning grounds, shelter and food sources for marine biota such as ascidians, sponge, echinoderms, mollusks, and fish. The diversity of reef fishes on the east coast of Biak Island is one of the important resources used as a source of income or food source by residents who earn a living as fishermen. This study aims to analyze the relationship between coral communities and coral reef fish communities on the east coast of Biak Island, Biak Numfor Regency. Observations were done by diving using SCUBA equipment. Observation of the condition of the coral reefs used the PIT (Point Intercept Transect) method and coral reef fish worked by the UVC (Underwater Visual Census) method. Data analysis was running by the Spearman test analysis. The results showed that changes in coral community cover affect reef fish communities. This study concludes that there is an association between coral communities and coral reef fish communities that have a positive linear relationship.
其他摘要:Ekosistem terumbu karang memiliki banyak manfaat termasuk melindungi pantai dari gelombang dan arus yang kuat serta penting dalam menjaga sistem ekologi di perairan yaitu sebagai habitat, tempat pemijahan, tempat berteduh dan sumber makanan untuk biota la
关键词:association; Biak Numfor; coral fish; coral reef
其他关键词:asosiasi; Biak Numfor; ikan karang; terumbu karang