摘要:The Meaning of Accounting Information as Business Decision Maklng Base in Small and Micro Enterprises (SME). One of accounting function is to communicate economic information, which is economic reality of organization. The lack of use of financial reports by SMEs is because of the discrepancy in the term cost and benefit for small enterpreneurs, since in fact they are still capable to develop their skills without implementing accounting. This research is aimed to understand how accounting information used by the SMEs to develop their businesses.
其他摘要:Makna Informasi Akuntansi Sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Bisnis di Usaha Kecil dan Mikro (UKM). Salah satu fungsi akuntansi adalah mengkomunikasikan informasi ekonomi, yaitu realita ekonomi suatu organisasi. Tidak digunakannya laporan keuangan oleh U
关键词:pengumuman perubahan komposisi JII; indeks syariah; studi peristiwa; retum abnormal; efisiensi pasar modal