摘要:The Effect of Cooperative Leaming Method in Jigsaw Type on the Students* Leaming Performance: A Semi Quasi Experiment. This study is aimed to prove whether there are differences in students ’ leaming achievements in studying Financial Accounting I about IFRS between Jigsaw cooperative leaming method and conventional leaming method. The subject of this study is students of Accounting Department of Brawijaya Universily of Malang who were taking financial accounting I in the short course of2009-2010. The data analysis is carried out by difference test to prove students ’ leaming achievement taught using Jigsaw cooperative leaming method and conventional method. The study proves that in understanding financial accounting about IFRS, the leaming process using Jigsaw cooperative leaming method is better than the conventional method.
其他摘要:Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa: Sebuah Eksperimen Semu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan perbedaan antara prestasi belajar mahasiswa dalam mempelajari Akuntansi Keuangan I tentang IFRS, an
关键词:Kecemasan berkomputer; gender; tipe kepribadian; dan pengalaman berkomputer