出版社:State Institute of Islamic Studies Imam Bonjol Padang
摘要:This paper discusses the most current trend in language learning. It focuses on pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) which should be mastered by every langauge teachers. PCK refers to the knowledge of curriculum, curriculum content, teaching pedagogy, and students’ characters. Language teachers need to consider considerable changes in language education especially dealing with educational curriculum and language teachers’ trainings, language skills, the competence in teaching the suitable form and structure curriculum, teaching and learning strategie.
其他摘要:Kertas konsep ini membincangkan trend terkini dalam pengajaran bahasa. Fokus perbincangan menjurus kepada pengetahuan pedagogi kandungan (PPK) yang perlu dikuasai setiap guru bahasa. PPK meruju kepada pengetahuan kurikulum, pengetahuan isi kurikulum, peng