出版社:Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN)
摘要:With the development of science and technology scholars and professionals now need to acquire a higher form of literacy to be able to participate in groups of similar fields or groups of works. The need for English as one of the Intermational language, an established language, has increased because English has access to world knowledge particularly in the field of science and technology, computer utilization, intermational trade and commerce. However, the need can vary in terms of the study fields, selection of skills, selection of language functions, and the language learmers. Effective strategies can only be applied through a thorough analysis of the learmers' needs, which will refer to the whole range of language resources for material selection. Since it is clear that ESP course is directly concerned with the purposes of which the learners need English, ESP course should be learer-centered. In this paper the writer would like to give the results of needs analysis (wants and strategies: Shaw, 1982, Allwright and Allwright, 1997) done among the learners (students and lecturers of engineering studics from various departments) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS) who are learning English at TTS Language Center to fulf11 the market demand for job employment of their career and further studies.