出版社:Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN)
摘要:Reflective practice is defined by John Dewey as a proactive, ongoing examination of beliefs and practices, their origins and impacts. In the reflective practice, tfte teacher and learners are eogaged in a continuous qcle of self-observation and self-evaluation in oraer to understand their own actions and reactions, and thereby develop the teaching-leaming process on an on-going basis' While English is regarded as cornpulsory in the preparation of more q-ualified human resources for the country, there are still complaints about the low English mastery of the majority of secondary and tertiary education graduates in tndonesia. It seems likely that bringing the reflective practice in the TEFL classrooms will help improve the teaching-leaming of English in a more caring and responsive manner. It is expected that this will not only improve the English mastery, but also develop personal talents and capacities of the learners. The features of reflective practice in TEFL and their advantages for personal and professional development will be further discussed.