期刊名称:Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature
出版社:Soegijapranata Catholic University
摘要:E-Learning. as in the use of tec/molog)' for teaching alld learning purposes. has bem promoted in Indonesia to be an alternative of learning process. Although it was late ifit;s compared with other Asian countries. it is a step forwardfor a leaming process in Indonesia. However. many of the E-Learning practices involve the uploading of digitized content materials to a learning managemelll system. In the preselll. the activity of student is downloading the . content materialsfrom his/her lecturer only. It makes the E-Leaming website have no competitive advantage compared with the commoll website. The E-Learning website should be a medittmfor the stttdents 10 interact. discuss. and collaborate ill their project work. A collaborative leaming can increase better quality of learning because there is a unity of thinking and learning skills. There are several kinds of software which provide the Leaming Managemelll Systems (LMS) but not all of them can give media for collaboration. A ttttor is one of the LMS that can give a media for the studellls to create a draft tlsing its virtual room. Each studelll can give inputs or revise the draft to improve the quality. Then. the final report can be shared to other students using the virtuallibrar), after the draft is finished.
关键词:E-Leaming; E-Collaborative; collaboration; learning; internet